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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 11/xx/2012
Minutes of Meeting November xx, 2012.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Doug Hall, Richard Debold, David Dobson, John Amsden, Jim Plunkett, Richard Millett, Stan Brehm, Allen Mayville.

Minutes of the November 1 approved.  Motion made by Richard Debold, seconded by John Amsden.

Discussion of forty five phase report for 2012. The draft was edited and reviewed. Short range planning versus long range planning defined. Table of contents repositioned to six.

It was decided to list sources of all graphs in the report and to add emphasis to the main heading. The committee decided to request that Jamie Pike take the minutes for the December 3 public meeting.

The Committee discussed CIP allotment of $100,000 for highway improvement. A discussion made concerning the issue of maintenance expenditure cutoff of either $10,000 or $20,000. Discussion concerning the upcoming warrant article.

Publicity for the December 3 informational meeting, motion was made and seconded to give Hall and Amsden permission to place notice in the Suncook Sun, motion passed. A discussion ensued regarding procedure and cost of placing the flyer in the paper.

Assignment was allotted to notify the department heads and the committee members on the December 3 meeting.

The meeting at the highway building scheduled for December 10 at 6:30. January meeting scheduled for January 7 at the highway building, snow date to be January 14.

Discussion of the RAC report for the public hearing. Will request approx. 40 copies from Jamie Pike.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30, motion by Richard Debold, seconded by John Amsden.

Submitted by Alan Mayville